Tuesday, December 27, 2011

After Xmas shopping - Poor people mentality

This morning, hundreds of thousands of people got up at 4 A.M., 5 A.M. or 6 A.M. and went to wait in lines outside malls and stores, to be first in for the big after-Christmas, 1-day sales. If you were amongst 'em, I apologize for offending, but I find this hilarious. Most of these folks would scream bloody murder if asked to get up at 4 A.M. to study or work, and get in a few extra hours of self or business improvement. But lining up in winter drizzle and bitter cold temperatures outside Kohl's, happy to be there. If aliens arrived at 5 A.M. at the shopping center today looking for intelligent life on earth, they hustled right back outta here faster than you can say U.F.O.


This is the beginning of an email I got from Dan Kennedy yesterday. He is a great business and marketing guy and his statement really illustrates the stupidity of the masses.
While everyone is complaining about how bad the economy is (and it is), most people are doing only stupidities.

It all starts in your mind!

We all know it is a tough financial period, and yes it's not your fault but this should not be an excuse for you. In fact many people are going to be exactly the same during economic growth.

In order to be successful you have to delete this poor person mentality.
Don't get it wrong, discounts are a great thing, but it's a shame that people would do crazy things for almost nothing and stay passive when it's important to act.

Good job to the stores btw...